What is a Church?

A church is a community of Christians who stand as a witness to Christ and the restorative power of the gospel. As such, the church should be a place of spiritual healing and refreshment. The gospel brings healing. The gospel brings restoration. The gospel brings peace, joy, and love. These gospel truths are demonstrated most powerfully within the relationships between believers in the church.

In the early church, they were committed to bringing this spiritual refreshment and healing through teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer (Acts 2:42).

Renewal Church

Renewal Church of Waxhaw is a community of believers who share in one another’s lives, and who encourage one another to grow in their love for God and eachother. As such we are focused on the internal growth of the individual–growth that deepens one's trust in Jesus. This is accomplished through relational contexts focusing on the areas of education, discipleship, fellowship, and prayer.


The gospel of Jesus is all about trust and commitment to Him. Discipleship is what happens after we are saved. We become saved by placing our trust in the atoning death of Jesus Christ. We grow to be more like Him by learning how to trust Him more closely. This is the path of discipleship. Renewal Church wants to help people grow in their commitment to Christ through discipleship relationships.


It is true that the church is not a building, but a people. Community is what it means to be a church. Renewal Church is not a church that only meets on Sundays. We are a community of believers sharing life together. We are told by Paul to bear one another’s burdens, but we can’t do that if we don’t spend time together.